var slideWrapper = $(".full-wide-slider"), iframes = slideWrapper.find('.embed-player'), lazyImages = slideWrapper.find('.slide-image'), lazyCounter = 0; // POST commands to YouTube or Vimeo API function postMessageToPlayer(player, command){ if (player == null || command == null) return; player.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(command), "*"); } // When the slide is changing function changeSlide(slick, control){ var currentSlide, slideType, startTime, player, video; currentSlide = slick.find(".slick-current"); slideType = currentSlide.attr("class").split(" ")[1]; player = currentSlide.find("iframe").get(0); startTime ="video-start"); if (slideType === "vimeo") { switch (control) { case "play": if (startTime != null && !currentSlide.hasClass('started')) { currentSlide.addClass('started'); postMessageToPlayer(player, { "method": "setCurrentTime", "value" : startTime }); } postMessageToPlayer(player, { "method": "play", "value" : 1 }); break; case "pause": postMessageToPlayer(player, { "method": "pause", "value": 1 }); break; } } else if (slideType === "youtube") { switch (control) { case "play": postMessageToPlayer(player, { "event": "command", "func": "mute" }); postMessageToPlayer(player, { "event": "command", "func": "playVideo" }); break; case "pause": postMessageToPlayer(player, { "event": "command", "func": "pauseVideo" }); break; } } else if (slideType === "video") { video = currentSlide.children("video").get(0); if (video != null) { if (control === "play"){; } else { video.pause(); } } } } // Resize player function resizePlayer(iframes, ratio) { if (!iframes[0]) return; var win = $(".full-wide-slider"), width = win.width(), playerWidth, height = win.height(), playerHeight, ratio = ratio || 16/9; iframes.each(function(){ var current = $(this); if (width / ratio < height) { playerWidth = Math.ceil(height * ratio); current.width(playerWidth).height(height).css({ left: (width - playerWidth) / 2, top: 0 }); } else { playerHeight = Math.ceil(width / ratio); current.width(width).height(playerHeight).css({ left: 0, top: (height - playerHeight) / 2 }); } }); } // DOM Ready $(function() { // Initialize slideWrapper.on("init", function(slick){ slick = $(slick.currentTarget); setTimeout(function(){ changeSlide(slick,"play"); }, 1000); resizePlayer(iframes, 16/9); }); slideWrapper.on("beforeChange", function(event, slick) { slick = $(slick.$slider); changeSlide(slick,"pause"); }); slideWrapper.on("afterChange", function(event, slick) { slick = $(slick.$slider); changeSlide(slick,"play"); }); slideWrapper.on("lazyLoaded", function(event, slick, image, imageSource) { lazyCounter++; if (lazyCounter === lazyImages.length){ lazyImages.addClass('show'); slideWrapper.slick("slickPlay"); } }); //start the slider slideWrapper.slick({ fade:true, autoplaySpeed:5000, lazyLoad:"progressive", speed:800, arrows:true, dots:true, /*cssEase:"cubic-bezier(0.87, 0.03, 0.41, 0.9)"*/ }); }); // Resize event $(window).on("resize.slickVideoPlayer", function(){ resizePlayer(iframes, 16/9); }); /*pauseOnHover:!1*/